Monday, 8 October 2012

The results.

We saw the paediatrician today and got the results of Lachie's MRI.

It confirmed that he does have mild hydrocephalus. He also has a Chiari Malformation type 1, which is where the "tonsils" of the cerebellum (the part of his brain at the top of his neck) protrude past the opening at the base of the skull instead of stopping above it. Type 1 is the mildest form of this so that's good. It shouldn't be an issue because the scan showed the CSF was still free-flowing around it, so there appears to be plenty of room.

It was agreed by multiple doctors that no treatment is required at this time (his Dr was in a meeting with the head of neurosurgery, head of neurology and head of radiology and put Lachie's case forward to them for opinions!!)  - as long as the intra-cranial pressure doesn't build up, of course.

Once his fontanelle closes up and the bones of his skull fuse we'll see if it builds up or not, and whether it becomes an issue. It's most likely that he will just be fine though - his development is delayed for now, but he'll catch up and in a couple of years nobody will ever know anything was ever wrong.

So we have a follow up appointment with his paediatrician in 3 months, and an appointment with a paediatric physiotherapist to work on his legs and his reluctance to stand up, but it looks like all is good! :) :)

Yay Lachie :D

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